GREETINGS (Online/in-person event and video recording update):

During the period of the COVID-19 virus, PGS had expanded its online offerings to compensate for the inability to have face-to-face meetings while abiding by the social distancing standards. But now in-person classes are back! PGS classes are meeting in the library again. But don’t worry if you prefer to attend on-line. Classes will be offered in a hybrid format; that is, both simultaneously in the library and online using Zoom. These are all free and open to the public. Go to the calendar on this website to  see the complete schedule of events as well as instructions on how to participate in the online events. Selected events are recorded and are also available on the website. You can find those videos in two places. Mouse over the “Research” or “Calendar” tabs found at the top of the home page and select the “Recordings” option from the drop-down menu. These videos are free for all to view. All videos are normally moved to our Members Only pages after one month of public access. To access them, sign into the website as a member and navigate to the “Members Only Content” tab. The members pages also give you handouts to all of our classes.


18 January 2025

Meeting and Program:

GENEALOGY TIME: Calendar Changes & Moveable Feast Days Explained

BY Jill Morelli

The meeting starts at 11 am (ET) and is online only via Zoom. It is free and open to the public.

Check the website calendar for instructions to join.




15 February 2025

Meeting and Program:


BY Christy Fillerup

The meeting starts at 11 am (ET) and is free and open to the public.

Check the website calendar for instructions to join.





with Judy G Russell, JD, CG

This event is a hybrid meeting with both live and virtual audiences. The speakers for the event appear live and in-person at the Largo Library as well as virtually via Zoom. This all-day meeting starts at 8 am (ET) and runs to 4 pm.

Click on the “Seminar” button near the top of the PGS home page for more information about what the seminar has to offer and how to register for the event. Online registration opens on 1 January 2025.




15 March 2025

Meeting and Lecture Series:

Two Presentations by two guest speakers:

(1) “Irish Emigration and Immigration” by David E. Rencher

(2) “Italian Family History” by Diann Lamarino Ohama


This event is a hybrid meeting with both live and virtual audiences. See the PGS calendar link at the top of the website homepage for information on how to join the meeting.

The meeting starts at 11 am (ET) and runs to about 2pm. It is free and open to the public. There will be a short break for lunch. You can order from the cafe in the library or bring a brown bag lunch.


  • Pause the slideshow by hovering over a slide with the cursor.
  • Manually navigate through the slides using the arrows or by clicking the dots below the slide deck.
  • Clicking on the thumbnail image will open a full size PDF of the handout in a new window.